There are a few Functions that can be used to achieve ones Goals!
<h4>Set Custom Path</h4>
Here you can set a custom Path, ex(/logs)
<h4>Use Default Path</h4>
This will tell the Plugin to use the Default path if none is provided.<br>
<b>This will be TRUE by default if no other path has been defined!</b>
<h4>Use Path Preset</h4>
There are a few Path Presets listed below:
They can be used, by adding the following to your creation Command:
If used without changing, will create a folder, under the server Directory, named<br>
<b>Name: %PLUGIN_NAME%log</b><br>
<b>Example: /LogThemlog</b>
If used without changing, will create a folder under the <br><b>'/plugins/%PLUGIN_NAME%'</b> folder in the server Directory named<br>
<b>Name: log</b><br>
<b>Example: /plugins/LogThem/log</b>
<h4>Customized Presets</h4>
Preset Paths can also be modified (Used as a starting place)
By Selecting a Path and then putting <b>'.setSubPath(String)'</b> behind it, it will use the Selected path as a "Source":
They can be applied by simply adding:
If used with changes, will create a folder, under the server Directory, named<br>
<b>Name: %SET_SUBPATH%</b><br>
<b>Example: /LogThemLogs</b>
If used with changes, will create a folder under the <br><b>'/plugins/%SET_SUBPATH%'</b> folder in the server Directory named<br>
<b>Name: %SET_SUBPATH%</b><br>
<b>Example: /plugins/LogThem/LargeLogs</b> |
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